Welcome to the Puyallup High School Athletics Page!You will find all PHS Athletics Information here!
News and Updates
Fall Athletics
Winter Athletics
Spring Athletics
Video Streaming
Home contests in the PHS gym, games at Sparks Stadium (or at ER and RHS), or an can be viewed through our new video streaming system offered by NHFS. Go here to learn more about how to access and pay for this fairly inexpensive system.
Baseline Concussion Screening Info
Olympic Sport and Spine (OSS) is contracted to provide Athletic Training services for Puyallup School District athletic teams. OSS has created screening schedules for high school student-athletes needing a Baseline Concussion Screening (BCS). You will need one if you are getting cleared for basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, or wrestling.
Visit their website for available appointment times. The cost is $15.
Olympic Sport and Spine Locations
- 112th Street Clinic: 8011 112th Street Ct E, Puyallup
- South Hill Clinic: 16222 Meridian Ave E, Puyallup
Want to Buy Gear?
Contact Info
Links and Resources
Athletics Tickets and Passes Information
Online PARENT Permission Forms
Once a school year, online forms must be completed (Aug 1 to July 31).