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Special Olympics-Unified Sports


Special Olympics Unified Sports® is an inclusive sports program that combines an approximately equal number of Special Olympics athletes (individuals with intellectual disabilities) and partners (individuals without intellectual disabilities) on teams for training and competition.

For all Athletes (Students with intellectual disabilities), the following Athlete Registration Medical Form must be on file with the PHS Unified Head Coaches 

This is good for 3 years. If your athlete recently had a physical, it can be attached to page 5 for Physical exam. 
If you are unsure of your student's status, please contact Coach Anderson

Unified Partners:

This form is good until you graduated from the Puyallup School District or turn 18 years old. 

Unified Partner Registration Form

Please return to Coach John Anderson

Sports Offered:

Bowling (Fall: September-October)

Basketball (Winter:  December-Mid March)

Soccer (Spring: March-June)

Softball:  (Summer: July -August)

For more information about PHS Unified Sports, contact Coach John Anderson or visit us on our Social Media.

Contact  Info

John Anderson 

Our Social Media


