Nurse / Health Room
Nurse / Health Room
Welcome to the Puyallup High School Nurse's Office
Our goal is to come along side the student and family to help foster health and academic success. At PHS, we work hard to help our students to promote health and equity so that we all become life long learners in a safe environment. If your student is dealing with a chronic or temporary health related concern, please contact us and we can so that we can work on a plan or accommodation(s) to help your student be a part of our school community.
At PHS, we have Health Services staff every day to help serve our students. Our hours are during the school day from 7:55AM to 3:25PM.
School Nurse
Dallas Kinch
phone: 253-604-3718 fax: 253-435-6509
Health Assistant
Shelley Walker
phone: 253-604-3717
105 7th St. S.W.
Puyallup, WA 98371
Medication At School
All medication to be given at school needs a physician’s order, signed by the physician and signed and dated by the parent/guardian, stating the name of the medication, dose, dosage interval (how often the medication can be given), and side effects of the medication.
- This includes all over-the-counter medication (including Tylenol, aspirin, cough drops, throat lozenges, eye drops, ear drops, and ointments.)
- The orders are valid for the duration of the school year, meaning that each new school year, the medication orders need to be renewed.
- The only medications students may routinely carry in their backpacks are Epi-pens and inhalers. These emergency medications need a doctor’s order and need doctor’s approval for the student to carry these emergency medications.
- These medications need to be checked into the health room before the student carries the medication.
- Medication should be brought to school by an adult and checked into the health room. If you have questions, please contact us.
Medication form link: 23-24 Med At School Order Form
Asthma inhaler form: 23-24 Med at School Order Form (Asthma Inhaler)